Sema KarakasSema KarakasSema Karakas

Here is the miracle that will make women's cancers disappear

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş made remarkable statements about Robotic Surgery, which is successfully used in female cancers.

One of the surgeries in which robotic surgery was used successfully was women's cancers.

It is known for the use of robotic surgery in uterine lining, cervix and early stage ovarian cancer surgeries.

Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Gynecological Oncology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş stated that they mostly perform uterine lining surgery with robotic surgery.


Sema Karakaş said, "Cancer is traced with the green dye and special imaging system used in robotic surgeries. With this, even a small tumor cell can be caught. Women's cancer surgeries are comfortable with robotic surgery. There are patients who are discharged the next day with robotic surgery. There are few complications both during and after surgery. The hospitalization period of patients is short."


Gynecological Oncology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Sema Karakaş, who gave information about oncological surgeries, stated the following:

"Mostly oncological surgeries are performed with the ministry's payment. Among oncological surgeries, we use it for endometrial cancer, cervical cancer and vulvar cancer. Mostly endometrium, that is, uterine lining cancer surgeries are performed. Previously, these surgeries were performed openly, then with the development of technology, they started to be performed with laparoscopy, which we call minimally invasive, laparoscopic system is very common, but the robot is available in very few centers even in Europe. In Turkey, it is actively used in both private and public hospitals."


Robotic surgery; Stating that even the smallest cancer cell can be detected thanks to the technology that allows the use of green fluorescent dye called ICQ together with the imaging system (infrared), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş said, "The advantage of the robot in gynecological cancers is not only surgeries performed through small incisions and aesthetic concerns, but also a special imaging system for the robot. Using the infrared system (imaging), we give a fluorescent green substance called ICQ through the cervix and safely used in surgeries. This substance follows the channel between the tumor and the guard lymph node. It clings to the guard lymph node where the cancer is likely to go and helps us to see even the smallest cancer cell. Thanks to special examinations with thin sections made by our pathology specialists, even the smallest tumor cell can be caught here.
There is infrared technology inside the robot and some laporoscopic devices. It allows a green fluorescent dye to be injected through the cervix and tracked along the duct. As we said, it shows whether the tumor has reached the guard lymph node. We understand whether small tumor cells have come, whether there has been metastasis."
Noting that although 80 percent of uterine tumors are limited to the uterus, there is a 15 percent chance of metastasis, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karakaş said, "Uterine cancer metastasizes to 15 percent lymph nodes and spreads to the lymph. For the remaining 85 percent, there is a question mark as to whether we are operating the patient in vain. What is recommended for this is to remove all lymph nodes. When this happens, there are many problems such as huge swelling in the patient's legs, lymph edema, vascular injuries, long operation times, hospitalization. Instead, when we see the connection between the tumor and the lymph node, when we see the lymph node marked with green dye, which we call ICQ, we can have it examined by pathology specialists in thin section and we can understand whether there is really a splash here, thus saving the patient from removing all lymph nodes. Cancer surgeries take a long time, and after a while there is hand tremor due to muscle fatigue. Robotic surgery minimizes human-related risks. There is no tremor in the hands, the arms of the robot can rotate 540 degrees, this feature provides great advantages in stitching and stopping bleeding when there is any bleeding. We perform our surgeries by being selective with more resolution with three-dimensional imaging rather than two-dimensional imaging."


Emphasizing that Robotic Surgery provides significant advantages to women who have cancer surgery, Karakaş said, "There are patients who are discharged the next day with robotic surgery. This is the central hospital, few centers in Turkey and the world are doing it. Women's cancer surgeries with robotic surgery are comfortable, there are patients we discharge the next day. There are few complications both during and after surgery. The hospitalization period of the patients is short. It is fully covered by the state, patients do not need to make an additional payment. At the same time, there is less pain. Thus, when we look at the cost, while we normally hospitalize patients for 5-7 days with open surgery, we increase the patients to 1-2 days with the robotic system."


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