Sema KarakasSema KarakasSema Karakas

Vaginal Discharge and Itching


Vaginal Discharge and Itching

Vaginal discharge and itching is a common and uncomfortable condition for women, often requiring a visit to a gynecologist. Vaginal discharge and itching can be caused by many different reasons and can be controlled with appropriate treatment. Here is detailed information about vaginal discharge and itching:

Symptoms of Vaginal Discharge and Itching

Symptoms of vaginal discharge and itching may include

  1. White, yellow, green or gray vaginal discharge
  2. Bad odor
  3. Vaginal itching or burning sensation
  4. Vaginal irritation and redness
  5. Painful urination
  6. Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse

Causes of Vaginal Discharge and Itching

Vaginal discharge and itching can have many different causes:

  1. Fungal infections (usually Candida albicans)
  2. Bacterial vaginosis
  3. Trichomonas vaginalis infection
  4. Sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia)
  5. Allergic reactions (spermicides, condoms, perfumed pads)
  6. Hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy)
  7. Use of hygienic products
  8. Stress and weak immune system

Vaginal Discharge and Itching Treatment Methods

Treatment methods for vaginal discharge and itching may include

  1. Use of antifungal creams or suppositories for fungal infections
  2. Antibiotic treatment for bacterial vaginosis
  3. Appropriate antibiotics for sexually transmitted infections
  4. Vaginal gels or lotions that maintain pH balance
  5. Good hygiene practices and good sexual health habits
  6. Hormone therapy to restore hormonal balance (in some cases)
  7. Use of probiotics can support vaginal flora balance

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş, who has a certificate in health tourism, is one of the leading physicians in Turkey in robotic surgery applications.

  • +90 542 139 7218
  • Ataköy 7-8-9-10, Kısim Mh. Çobançeşme E-5 Side Road Cd. No: 22/2/283 BAKIRKÖY / ISTANBUL


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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