Sema KarakasSema KarakasSema Karakas

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. The condition is characterized by the formation of small cysts on the ovaries and hormonal imbalances. PCOS can cause a range of symptoms and can lead to long-term health problems. Here's what you need to know about PCOS:

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Symptoms of PCOS may include:

  1. Menstrual irregularities: Long, irregular or missing menstrual cycles.
  2. Abnormal hair growth (hirsutism): Male pattern hair growth such as on the face, chest or back.
  3. Acne Pimples and acne on the face, back or chest.
  4. Obesity or weight gain: Women with PCOS often tend to gain weight.
  5. Insulin resistance: High insulin levels can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  6. Infertility: Fertility problems due to irregularities in ovulation.

PCOS Diagnosis

The diagnosis of PCOS is based on a combination of symptoms and certain test results. These tests may include blood tests, ultrasonography and physical examination. For a diagnosis of PCOS, certain criteria must be met, such as menstrual irregularities, hirsutism and ultrasound results with cysts.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment

Treatment for PCOS can vary depending on the severity of symptoms and the primary concerns for the patient:

  1. Hormonal regulators: Birth control pills can help regulate menstrual irregularities and hormone levels.
  2. Medicines to improve insulin sensitivity: Medicines such as metformin can help reduce insulin resistance and promote weight loss.
  3. Natural treatment methods: Dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management and weight control can relieve PCOS symptoms.
  4. Infertility treatment: For women with PCOS, treatments such as ovulation induction and IVF can solve infertility problems.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş, who has a certificate in health tourism, is one of the leading physicians in Turkey in robotic surgery applications.

  • +90 542 139 7218
  • Ataköy 7-8-9-10, Kısim Mh. Çobançeşme E-5 Side Road Cd. No: 22/2/283 BAKIRKÖY / ISTANBUL


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