Sema KarakasSema KarakasSema Karakas

Week by Week Pregnancy Tracking


Week by Week Pregnancy Tracking

What is Pregnancy Monitoring? Pregnancy follow-up means that the expectant mother is under regular medical supervision during pregnancy. During this follow-up, the health status of the expectant mother, the development of the baby and any problems and risks related to pregnancy are evaluated.

How is Pregnancy Monitoring Performed? Pregnancy follow-up usually starts monthly and continues until the end of pregnancy. During the follow-up, the expectant mother's general health is regularly monitored with blood tests, ultrasound examinations and other medical tests.

Week by Week Pregnancy Tracker:

  1. First Trimester (1-12th week): This is the period when the embryo is forming. Ultrasound examinations and blood tests are performed. The expectant mother should pay attention to folic acid intake.
  2. Second Trimester (13-27th week): The baby's organs continue to develop. In the second trimester, detailed ultrasound examinations are performed. The expectant mother may undergo tests such as a glucose test.
  3. Third Trimester (28th week - Birth): The baby's weight increases and its movements become more pronounced. In the last months, frequent medical check-ups and preparation for delivery begin.

The Importance of Pregnancy Follow-up:

  • Provides early diagnosis and intervention.
  • It protects the health of the expectant mother and minimizes potential risks.
  • Supports the healthy development of the baby.
  • It supports the expectant mother psychologically and relieves anxiety.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pregnancy Monitoring:

  • Advantages Provides the necessary precautions for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
  • Disadvantages: In some cases it can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema Karakaş, who has a certificate in health tourism, is one of the leading physicians in Turkey in robotic surgery applications.

  • +90 542 139 7218
  • Ataköy 7-8-9-10, Kısim Mh. Çobançeşme E-5 Side Road Cd. No: 22/2/283 BAKIRKÖY / ISTANBUL


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